Academic Catalog

Physics (PHYS)

PHYS 216  Newtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Science  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
Prerequisite(s): MATH 161  
Newtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Science, is the first semester of a two-semester sequence in introductory physics, intended to introduce students to the basic principles of Newtonian mechanics and harmonic motion. We will cover topics in mechanics, Newton's Laws, the concepts of energy and work, conservation of energy and momentum, rotational motion, gravity, harmonic motion and waves. The course is taught with lectures, recitations and in-class participation. The material is presented at a level that requires significant algebra and trigonometry, as well as some basic calculus.
PHYS 217  Electricity and Magnetism for Engineering and Science  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 216 and MATH 162 and PHYS 226  
Electricity and Magnetism for Engineering and Science is a continuation of the course on Mechanics, introduces concepts and laws by which electric, magnetic, and optical phenomena can be described and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is an advanced physics course substantially based on calculus tackling electricity and magnetism; electromagnetic phenomena; basic laws of electricity and magnetism; science and engineering problems involving charges, electromagnetic fields, and electrical circuits. The course is taught with lectures, recitations and in-class participation.
PHYS 226  Experimental Physics and Engineering Laboratory I: Mechanics  1 Credit  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter  
Prerequisite(s): MATH 161  
Newtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Science, is the first semester of a two-semester sequence in introductory physics, intended to introduce students to the basic principles of Newtonian mechanics and harmonic motion. We will cover topics in mechanics, Newton's Laws, the concepts of energy and work, conservation of energy and momentum, rotational motion, gravity, harmonic motion and waves. The course is taught with lectures, recitations and in-class participation. The material is presented at a level that requires significant algebra and trigonometry, as well as some basic calculus.
PHYS 227  Experimental Physics and Engineering Laboratory II: Electricity and Magnetism  1 Credit  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter  
This course focuses on the description and application of the laws of electromagnetism to the solution of science and engineering problems. During most bi-weekly projects, students are introduced to a variety of sensors and their basic calibration, and students will program the computer-based data-acquisition and control framework. Using sensing, control and actuation these lab projects target experimental verification of the physics concepts while solving direct engineering problems.