Academic Catalog

Public Policy, MPP

The Master of Public Policy (MPP) is a full-time two-year degree offered by HBKU’s new college, CPP. The program features a distinctive combination of interdisciplinarity, strong ethical foundations, entrepreneurship in public management, and innovation in policy making and design.

Qatar has a strategic geographical position at the global crossroads of culture, business, and geopolitics. The country is located at the center of a region that requires leaders who can manage multi-faceted relationships that span different public policy making dynamics and command a wide range of skills.

The MPP provides training to graduate students from a range of disciplines in the skills needed to understand and enrich policy making in Qatar and the region. The program will offer world-class academic and professional training in public policy analysis, design, implementation, evaluation, and management; as well as specializations in social policy, and in energy and the environment.

For more information, click here.