Academic Catalog

Translation Studies (TSD)

TSD 621  Current Trends in Translation Studies  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
Prerequisite(s): TR 611 and TR 612 and TR 613  
This course introduces scholarly approaches to the study of translation that have been developed over the last two decades. Students will think critically and reflectively about the community of translators and interpreters. They will engage with the complexity and implications of the choices that translators have to make on a daily basis.
TSD 623  Specialized Translation  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
Prerequisite(s): TR 611 and TR 612 and TR 613  
This is a practice-oriented course intended to prepare students for a professional career in the translation market, either as in-house or freelance translators, working with various IGO's and NGO's. The course deals with various types of institutional texts produced by multilingual organizations. Using their linguistic skills and applying theoretical insights gained from other courses, students will be trained to research institutional translation topics, prepare appropriate terminology glossaries and produce professional translations of real source texts generated by IGOs and NGOs.
TSD 624  Translation Technologies  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
Prerequisite(s): TR 611 and TR 612 and TR 613  
This is a practical course that introduces students to a selection of language technology tools with a focus on their professional practice. These will range from widely-used open access tools to the industry standard SDL TRADOS (Getting Started level). Students will create and manage translation memories and terminological databases. They will integrate the use of corpora into their translation practice. They will also reflect on the role of machine translation and its application.
TSD 628  Terminology  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
This course explains the basic principles of terminology and the use of term bases. The theoretical part discusses terminology theory, concepts, definitions, the structure of terminological records, ISO standards and the major international term base formats that are publicly available. It treats concept models and state-of-the-art software and it describes the way in which large translation services make use of term bases. The practical part consists of terminology software exercises (development and maintenance of term bases).
TSD 645  Research Methods in Translation Studies  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
Prerequisite(s): TR 611 and TR 612 and TR 613  
This course builds on previous methodological and theoretical courses and equips you with the necessary knowledge to carry out your thesis in the second year, whether research- or practice-oriented. Through a review of the main areas of research and inquiry in Translation Studies (TS) and you will learn the principles of designing research projects, reviewing the literature and writing research proposals.
TSD 652  Commercial Translation  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
This course equips students with the necessary skills for translating texts used in the commercial and business environment. Students will be introduced to styles, formats and functions of commercial texts and will develop methods for dealing with them. Special emphasis will be placed on the difficulties encountered in translating business texts, requiring specific skills and techniques. Contrastive features of commercial texts are examined and related to the translation process. The course also explores the importance of culture in commercial translation.
TSD 653  Media Translation  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
This is a practice-oriented course prepares students for a professional career in media translation. It deals with different forms, modes and genres of media texts, focusing in particular on political and economic texts. Students analyze and critically assess various media texts, including hard news reports, investigative reports, interviews, editorialized commentaries, editorials and TV news scripts. Using linguistic skills and applying theoretical and practical insights, students will be trained to produce professional translations of texts generated by media outlets.
TSD 655  Literary Translation  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
This course will cover the following aspects of literary translation: Features of literary texts: analysis & translation approaches; style in literary translation; approaches to translating literary genres: poetry, theater, fiction, speeches; translating titles; translating metaphors and figures of speech; culture, politics, ideology; the problem of linguistic variety: register, dialect, slang; using footnotes; the working translator: tools & resources, publication. Class discussion is conducted in both Arabic and English.
TSD 656  Intercultural Translation  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
This course examines intercultural issues central to translation studies today. Studying translation in different cultures and historical contexts, the course highlights the significant role that translators have played in enriching national languages, spreading religious creeds, and framing intellectual and political encounters across linguistic communities. Students are introduced to the current theoretical debates on translation and intercultural communication. Special emphasis is placed on the role of translation in the construction of the foreign as a primary tool of representing/misrepresenting cultural others.
TSD 657  Legal Translation  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
This course aims at providing students with extensive experience in translating legal texts from English into Arabic and vice versa. It introduces students to the textual and rhetorical standards adopted in various legal texts in Arabic and English. It develops in students the critical thinking and research skills needed to successfully deal with legal translation quality assessment (revision), including the importance of legal terminology, text function, and intercultural contexts (since law is part of culture).
TSD 658  Special Topics in Translation Studies  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Standard Letter, Audit/Non Audit  
This course will take on new topics with specific aims as required by the program.
TSD 691  Internship  3 Credits  
Grade Mode: Pass/Non Pass  
Prerequisite(s): TR 611 and TR 612 and TR 613 and TSD 621 and TSD 623 and TSD 624  
The Internship aims to help develop HSS MA students’ professional competence and understanding of the translation industry in a structured period of practical-work based learning
TSD 695  Master's Thesis Hours  1-6 Credits  
Grade Mode: Pass/Non Pass  
Designed like an independent study, this course supports students in their endeavor to conduct research in the field of Translation Studies. Students can produce a research-based thesis or a translation and commentary thesis of up to 15,000 words. The thesis should display the student's ability to collect/assess data, build an argument; and critically apply the main theories in their area of study.