Academic Catalog

Arabic (ARA)

ARA 501  Arabic Language and Culture Learning - Beginner Level  0 Credits  
Grade Mode: Pass/Non Pass  
Learners will be guided to understand the elements of the language, the exposure between them and the language will be through writing, by comprehending written symbols or images of letters and their sounds. To distinguish between vocabularies in the context used initially and then linking them in sentences and paragraphs. Aiming to understand the logic of the syntax and understand the grammar in a functional manner; to reach the desired competence in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
ARA 502  Arabic Language and Culture Learning - Intermediate Level  0 Credits  
Grade Mode: Pass/Non Pass  
Students acquire a higher level of vocabulary and grammar through more advanced contexts and sets of cognitively and culturally rich texts. Texts on Arab history, contemporary issues, famous Arab personalities and landmarks, will be presented to provide a rich and varied dictionary. Students study fragmented press texts from newspapers published in Arabic on various topics such as: environment, politics, economics, community affairs and topics that suit the potential of students in order to help them to produce their own texts.
ARA 503  Arabic Language and Culture Learning - Advanced Level  0 Credits  
Grade Mode: Pass/Non Pass  
Student receive a wide range of high-level texts representing the Arab civilization and Arab thought, texts that address the current state of affairs in the world. All of this is invested in the service of conversation and writing, so that students take the greatest role in creating their texts and ‘adopting’ the language in dialogues derived from Arab societies, and then presenting them orally or in writing. Students will speak on important topics of diverse economic, social and political dimensions.